by Jody Thomae
Passage: John 5:1-9
Context: In this story Jesus brought his disciples to the Pool of Bethesda near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem. In Aramaic, this pool was called “The House of Loving-Kindness” and was said to have magical powers—when the waters were “stirred” by an angel of God, the first one in the pool was healed. Thus, it was surrounded by people who were disabled, blind, lame and paralyzed.
As they came to this place, Jesus approaches a man who has been at this pool for 38 years and asks him:
“Would you like to get well?” NLT
“Do you truly long to be healed? TPT
“Do you want to be made whole?” NIV
The man answers with many excuses but in the end, Jesus tells him (or commands him, rather): “Pick up your mat and walk,” and the man does just that!

Note: This place would have been considered “unclean” to the Jewish people, and yet Jesus brings his followers (who were Jewish) there on the Sabbath. Jesus was not hindered by the rules of the religious leaders. Also note that archeologists have uncovered a place they believe to be the Pool of Bethesda.
Ruminate: First, imagine Jesus here in this situation with no regard to religious rules. What is his posture, his facial expression, the gait of his walk? Now imagine him approaching you and asking you this question: “Do you want to be made whole?” How would you answer? What area of your life would you like to be made whole? What excuses might you give? How would you respond to his command to pick up your mat and walk even though you’ve been unable to walk for 38 years? Picture yourself rolling up your mat and walking away from your own areas of unhealth and unwholeness.
Embodied Practice: From a prone, supine, seated or crouched position, rise up with a sense of strength, health, power, and resurrection. Perhaps experiment with disengagement and reengagement of your leg muscles as you do.
Take a deep breath...
Exhale disease...
Inhale healing...
In this moment,
let the seed of healing be planted in your mind...
your body...
your soul...
your spirit...
Picture the Light of God’s Divine Healing
shining on that seed...
The seed breaks open
Roots grow...
down deep...
and keep growing...
Health springs up...
New life...
reaching for Light...
opening up...
spreading its leaves...
ready to receive.
Song to Listen to: Healer by Kari Jobe
Excerpted and adapted from Jesus In My Practice by Jody Thomae (C)2021. Used with permission.

Jody Thomae is the author of God’s Creative Gift—Unleashing the Artist in You and The Creator’s Healing Power—Restoring the Broken to Beautiful, in-depth, interactive devotional books that are part of the Bible Studies to Nurture the Creative Spirit Within series and serve as resources for creative Christians and artists. Jody has been involved in worship arts ministry since 1997, serving as worship arts ministry pastor, worship leader and creative arts director. She has coordinated artistic involvement in church services and regional worship events through dance, drama, poetry and fine arts and performs, teaches, preaches, and leads workshops in the area of creativity, spirituality and embodied prayer. She also leads worship at local seminars, retreats and women’s events. In addition, she has recorded a devotional album entitled Song of the Beloved, which is available through Spotify, CD Baby and iTunes.