Below you will find a link to the Life Script to be completed before attending the upcoming Come Away With Me Retreat.
Here are the steps for completing the Life Script:
Save the document to your computer before filling it out! Click on the "Download Life Script" link below. A PDF of the document will open in a new window...save the document to your computer and then begin completing it.
Make sure to save the Life Script periodically as you are working on it. We recommend beginning to fill out the first few lines of the document, closing it, and re-opening it to make sure that your work is being saved as you go.
Complete the Life Script. Keep in mind that this will take you some time to complete!​​
Label the file "Life Script - Your Name" and once complete, email to us at retreats@hcminternational.org.
IMPORTANT: Your registration is not final until this Life Script is received by Healing Care Ministries.
All information provided in this Life Script will be kept confidential between you and the retreat caregivers.
May you be filled with the peace that passes all understanding as you journey through this Life Script. If you have any problems or questions as you go, please do not hesitate to contact us at retreats@hcminternational.org. Blessings!